
Partition of Property in California: Appointing of a Partition Referee

By Neil Sheaffer

Receivership: The Remedy for Failing Cannabis Businesses in California

Cannabis businesses are not eligible for bankruptcy protection due to the federal prohibition against cannabis. Therefore, the receivership remedy is an effective path to address the struggles of a cannabis business. Seeking and obtaining a court-appointed receiver to take control of and operate a distressed cannabis business can be initiated by a lender affected by a failing business loan or a partner in the cannabis business alleging financial mismanagement.

Health and Safety Receivership: Receiver’s Oath and Bond

Health and Safety Receiverships can successfully rehabilitate distressed properties within a community. A receivership is a legal and equitable remedy that allows for the possession and control of property by an unbiased third party referred to as a Court Appointed Receiver. A Court Appointed Receiver is a neutral third party appointed by the Court to take temporary control over substandard properties that are subject to a lawsuit. A receiver is not an advocate for any party but instead is an advocate for the court to protect and preserve the property. Once the court appoints a receiver, the property is under the direct control of the court through the receiver. A receiver’s authority is derived directly from the appointing court. The receiver is responsible for the general repairs and maintenance to the property and for ensuring that the property is brought into compliance with State and local codes.

Health and Safety Receivership Remedy for Commercial Properties

Health and Safety Receiverships can successfully remedy substandard commercial properties in California. Substandard commercial properties may be neglected by absentee owners or landlords causing the property to fall into distress or disrepair. Maintenance needs of substandard income-producing commercial properties are often ignored by the owner to maximize profit by minimizing expenses on needed maintenance. A Court-Appointed Health and Safety Receiver can be the solution to protect communities and tenants from substandard commercial properties.

Relocating Occupants During Rehabilitation

Health and Safety Receiverships are an extremely valuable remedy to alleviate blight and to restore problematic properties within a community or neighborhood. A Health and Safety Receiver is a neutral third-party appointed by the court to take temporary control over substandard properties with the intent of resolving any potential health and safety threats. A Receiver is responsible for repairs and restoration to the property and to ensure that the property is transformed back into a safe and habitable dwelling. Health and Safety Receiverships can successfully rehabilitate distressed properties when the home owner is unable to remedy the code violations on his or her own. Health and Safety Receiverships are a very effective solution to bring a property into compliance with building and housing codes while also providing residents a safe place to stay while the rehab project is underway.

Health and Safety Receivership Remedy to Protect the Neighborhood

A Health and Safety Receivership is a legal remedy to combat neighborhood blight and transform problematic properties back into safe and habitable structures. A house or building within a community may be deteriorating due to various reasons ranging from severe hoarding, contaminated or unsafe living environments, or owner abandonment. Deteriorating properties are usually produced because no responsible party is willing or able to address the problems on the property. Whether due to an uncooperative property owner, quarreling heirs, disputes regarding title, or an owner that cannot be located, the structure or dwelling is poorly maintained making it an eyesore and hazard to the community. When a property is in severe disrepair and a danger to its tenants or neighboring residents, the property will affect the entire neighborhood.
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